New website for SONGWRITER SANCTUM 411!

04/13/2012 11:27

Caveat: this site is a work in progress! Last year Songwriter Sanctum finally found a home on ReverbNation. I was so happy with the site and our growing hits. At last I was able to put all the info in one place so people could look it up, direct friends to it, and refer back whenever necessary. Alas...recently ReverbNation changed the formatting of their sites for venues. What that means, ultimately, is that they "streamlined" the sites so much, there is no way to have useful info on them. was time to look for another home. My lack of techxpertise means that I'm nervous about trusting a freebie website, yet here we are! For now, anyway, this is our new home. Please keep me posted as to whether or not it's running smoothly when you use it, if it's clear and easy to use or making you terribly frustrated -- I care! Keeping my fingers crossed...